Some critics question the agnostic nature of Web Components, with some even arguing that they are not real components. Gabriel Shoyomboa explores this topic in-depth, comparing Web Components and framework components, highlighting their strengths and trade-offs, and evaluating their performance.
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HTML attributes are like little instructions that we add to the markup of elements to make them do certain things or behave in certain ways. For example, most of us know that the target attribute with a value of _blank opens the link in a new tab or window. But did you know that you can use it on the form element, too? John Rhea presents several lesser-known uses for common HTML attributes.
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Searching for the most flexible front-end workflows and toolkits, it’s easy to forget how powerful some of the fundamentals on the web have become these days. This post is a journey through new front-end features and what they are capable of.
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What does it mean to learn the “basics”, or fundamentals, of front-end web development? Is starting with HTML and CSS still the best entry point to learn how to make websites and apps when we have a seemingly endless supply of frameworks? Geoff Graham thinks so and discusses why you might consider going “back to basics” to start or move forward in your career.
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After years of relying on checkbox hacks to create a “switch” control for forms that toggle between two states, HTML may be gaining a native way to go about it by adding a switch attribute to checkbox inputs. Daniel Yuschick walks us through a first impression of switch controls and discusses current and ongoing considerations that need to be explored further before it is ready for prime time.
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What do you do when you need to convert plain text into formatted HTML? Perhaps you reach for Markdown or manually write in the element tags yourself. Or maybe you have one or two of the dozens of online tools that will do it for you. In this tutorial, Alexis Kypridemos picks those tools apart and details the steps for how we can do it ourselves with a little vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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In this article, Adrian deconstructs YouTube’s “Ambient Mode” feature and how HTML <canvas> and the requestAnimationFrame function are used to create the glowing effect.
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SVG <animateMotion> provides a way to define how an element moves along a motion path. In this article, Paul Scanlon shares an idea of how to use it by animating race cars in an infinite loop as easy as one-two-three!
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This article is the second of two parts about a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users. Here Cristian Diaz covers a toolset on JavaScript that you can mix into different components to create a great experience for keyboard users.
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In this article, Cristian Diaz covers how to use HTML and CSS to create an accessible experience for keyboard users while mentioning what WCAG criteria we should keep into consideration.
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