In this article, Precious Ndubueze will be taking an in-depth look at what Django brings to the table by understanding what the generated files and folder do, this will give us a better understanding of the Django framework. It’s important to know that it will not be possible to take a look at everything happening inside of Django. For cases outside the scope of this tutorial, there will be links to point you to resources that will help with that. Today, Precious will guide you through understanding Django’s pre-built commands, files and basics.
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Since React was introduced, it has transformed the way front-end developers build web applications, and its virtual DOM is famous for effectively rendering components. In this tutorial, Shedrack Akintayo will discuss various methods of optimizing performance in React applications, and also the features of React that we can use to improve performance.
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Front-end developers and designers create amazing static assets for web applications. Today, Philip Kiely will be focusing on what happens after the style hotfix or beautiful graphic you just finished is pushed to master. He’ll also investigate handling files that users upload, called media files. Together, you’ll develop an intuition for the strategies available to Django developers for serving these files to users worldwide in a secure, performant, and cost-effective manner.
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When using cross-platform frameworks, people might forget the nuances of each of the platforms they want their code to run on. This article aims to address that. Today, Carmine Zaccagnino is going to see some of those differences and how to overcome them. More specifically, he’re going to talk about storage and UI differences, which are the ones that most often cause confusion to developers when writing Flutter code that they want to be cross-platform.
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Performance is a competitive advantage that can bring and retain customers. We can’t afford regularly spending time optimizing apps all over again. It’s costly, and complex. As a first step in coming up with a solution for any problem, we need to make the problem visible. In this article, Anton Nemtsev will help you with exactly that It’s not enough to optimize an application. You need to prevent performance from degradation, and the first step to do it is to make performance changes visible. In this article, Anton Nemtsev shows a couple of ways of showing them in the GitLab merge requests.
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HTML is getting better at providing nice APIs for implementing cool features. In this tutorial, Chidi Orji is going to show you how to use the HTMLIntersection Observer API to implement infinite scrolling and image lazy loading in a React functional component. In the process, we’ll learn how to use some of React’s hooks and how to create Custom Hooks. Let’s get started!
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Thanks to some recent changes in browsers, it’s now well worth setting width and height attributes on your images to prevent layout shifts and improve the experience of your site visitors. Barry Polland loves improvements that just work without any effort required of website owners. That is not to ignore the hard work required by the browser developers and standardization teams, of course, but it’s often rolling out to websites that is the real difficulty. The less friction we can add to introduce these improvements, the more likely they will be adopted, and there’s no better friction than none at all!
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Let’s make 2020… fast! An annual front-end performance checklist (PDF/Apple Pages/MS Word), with everything you need to know to create fast experiences on the web today. Updated since 2016. Kindly supported by our dear friends at LogRocket, a frontend performance monitoring solution that helps reproduce bugs and fix issues faster.
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Images are a big part of the web and, yet, they can cause a lot of challenges for the user experience if not properly optimized or delivered. It’s been almost a decade since Google introduced the world to WebP as a solution to this problem. As more of our browsers, devices and software support it, it’s time that web designers started adopting it as their default image format. In this article, Suzanne Scacca is going to show you What WebP is.
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You want to build a mobile website or PWA that converts visitors into leads or customers. But with Google and consumers alike becoming ever more demanding when it comes to loading speeds, what more can you do? ImageKit, a digital image optimization service, might have the all-in-one hands-off solution you need. Today, Suzanne Scacca will focus on how you can still design with as many images as you want without slowing down your website.
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