Backbone.js provides structure to JavaScript applications, but it leaves a lot of design patterns and decisions up to developers who end up running into common problems when they first begin developing in Backbone.js. In this article, Phillip Whisenhunt will explore different design patterns that you can use in your Backbone.js applications, and he’ll look at many of the common gotchas that trip up developers.
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We’re constantly refining two interfaces simultaneously: one for visitors who load the website, the other for developers who have to tackle the code in the future. But we shouldn’t forget that developers are users, too. Therefore, our convention for naming and organizing files is critical if we are to ensure active development in the future. But do we really design the partials, files and directories that make up this interface with a particular set of users in mind?
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In the first part of this series, we discussed Backbone.Marionette’s Application. This time around, we’ll discuss the module system that is included in Backbone.Marionette. Modules are accessible through the Application, but modules are a very large topic and deserve an article dedicated to them.
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jQuery Mobile, an open-source multiplatform UI framework, was released to help designers and developers create mobile Web experiences that are easy to build, customizable and unobtrusive in code. While mobile browsers and platforms are creating new challenges for us, jQuery Mobile can help us succeed with our mobile apps.
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One of Bootstrap’s appeals is that it just works. It’s a significant time-saver when starting a website, so much so that major organizations such as NBC, NASA and the White House are adopting it. And it empowers even the non-designers among us to turn out something decent. But what if your company logo is a different shade of blue? Not to worry. You don’t have to stick with the defaults. In this article, Thomas Park shows some ways to customize Bootstrap to fit your needs, whether it’s a tweak to a button or a full-fledged theme.
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In this article, Maxim Shirshin will introduce us to the history of the BEM methodology. BEM is a collection of ideas and methods. Companies and teams can integrate it into their existing workflow gradually, finding out what works best for them, using a unified language that consists of powerful terms: blocks, elements, modifiers. Learn about the challenges that a big company faces when gradually building an entire ecosystem of services with an ever-growing team of developers.
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Backbone.js is quickly becoming the most popular framework for building modular client-side JavaScript applications. To help you tap the full potential of Marionette, Joseph Zimmerman prepared an entire eBook full of useful hands-on examples!
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In this tutorial, we will create a Magento module that will capture an affiliate referral from a third-party source (e.g. an external website or newsletter) and include a HTML script on the checkout success page once this referral has been converted.
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In this tutorial, we will be covering a number of interesting topics, including: Magento layout handles, layout XML files, blocks and templates, and an alternative to Widgets.
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This is our sixth article in a series that introduces the latest useful and freely available tools and techniques, developed and released by active members of the Web design community. The first article covered PrefixFree; the second introduced Foundation, a responsive framework; the third presented Sisyphus.js, a library for Gmail-like client-side drafts. The fourth shared a free plugin called GuideGuide with us, and in the fifth we’ve announced Erskine’s responsive grid generator Gridpak.
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