In this article, we’ll explore a scoring system for rating and comparing websites, we’ll visualize those ratings using infographics, and we’ll see what data and structure this method provides for reviewing websites.
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The country selector. It’s there when you create an account for a new Web service, check out of an e-commerce store or sign up for a conference. The normal design? A drop-down list with all of the available countries.
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In this article, we’ll provide guidelines that have been crafted from usability testing and actual complaints made to customer support personnel by disgruntled users.
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Created by Joe Leech and released for Smashing Magazine and its readers, this sheet contains an Omnigraffle template, as well as Photoshop (PSD) and PDF examples for you to download and use as you wish.
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In this Part 2, Lyndon Cerejo brings us ways to enable customers to make the decision to buy and guide them through the check-out process. Keep improving your online shopping experience!
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A business loses potential customers as they move closer to the purchasing stage. Improving the user experience can reduce this loss by removing unnecessary barriers to shopping online.
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Interaction design is a multi-faceted discipline that links static communications together to form an experience. In this article, Jeff Gothlef explains the basic principles of this discipline to understand and implement in your next project.
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The entire process of designing digital applications comes with many challenges and decisions. For the majority of projects, you will be designing in somewhat familiar territory.
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